nhlscrapr 1.8 — a minor working update

We’ve updated nhlscrapr, our package that does what it’s in the name, to version 1.8. What this does is reprocess several of the html files from nhl.com into R readable tables. We do this with the *strong* caveat that we’re using this for academic purposes and that anyone using the package should be aware of their own actions when doing so.

This is actually a minor upgrade only with two purposes:

  • Games from the 2014-2015 season can now be retrieved, and by specifying ‘season=”20142015″‘ you can download only that season, or selected seasons, without more complex operation.
  • To respect NHL server capacity, we instituted a wait of 20 seconds between downloading individual games.

For now, we took out many of the other data correction aspects — adjusted distance and zone-location correction — that will be enhanced when version 2.0 is released which are still in progress.